Competition cameo plaque, wax on cobalt blue. Executed by William Northwood. Image courtesy of Dudley Museum Services.
Detail of cameo butterflies typically on work by William Northwood. Pattern 11245, book 10, dated 19/3/1886.
Ruby cameo claret jug, pattern 9414 book 08, dated 14/11/1884. Probably executed by William Northwood.
Case white over blue, Persian influenced cameo stick vase. Pattern 12224, book 11,dated 05/02/1887. Executed by William Northwood.
Cameo plaque, Venus and Cupid. Executed by William Northwood. Dated 1885. Image courtesy of Dudley Museum Services.
White over ruby cameo footed bowl with acanthus leaf and flower design. Pattern 9088, dated 12/6/1884. Priced at £6/0/0. (Frederick Carder)
Triple cased opal on ruby on cinnamon ground, carved in Islamic style with arabesques, flowers and scrolling foliage. Pattern 11409, book 10, dated 5/5/1886, executed by William Northwood. Donated by Mr H.S. Williams-Thomas to Dudley MBC.