Rock crystal water jug to design 5740, book 05, with similar decoration to 7382, book 06. Executed by Miller, dated 1882.
Cased Rockingham over Green on Flint intaglio cut “Ramekin” sized bowl and under plate. Pattern 25065, book 22.
Tall triple lip, new hollow handle, square shouldered Claret. Flint threaded part way up body, richly engraved rustic.
14″ dish with socket for fitting. Cut rim & engraved in very deep fruit wreath in early English style.
Vase on solid silver Jonquil stand cut and scalloped top. Richly engraved rustic decoration.
New solid handle, spouted globe body Magnum Claret on foot, Egg stopper richly engraved. Dated 08/01/1878.