4″, 6″ & 8″ epergne trumpets. Yellow Fleuriscent. 46513 As above 3×1 mould. 46514-5 Preserve dish with frill. Merry thought mould, yellow fleuriscent. 46516 As above stud mould. Dated 25/04/1914.

Oval top preserve dish with frill. Flint Fleuriscent. Ruby threads. 46299 As above Flint with Ruby edge. 46200. As above Flint Fleuriscent. Dated 26/01/1914.

Hexagonal top preserve dish with frill. Stud mould Fleuriscent not threaded.46285. As above flint stud mould ruby ring on edge. Dated 25/01/1914.

Nasturtium Fleurisent, pillar mould salt. 46229-30. Epergne trumpet (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″). 3 lipped turned down peaked. 6 line mould. 46231. Nasturtium Fleuriscent, 8 pillar mould epergne trumpet (4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″). Dated 12/01/1914.

Flint Fleuriscent preserve with frill. 4 x 2 line. 45983. Citron shaded bowl with frill. Hammer mould. Fleuriscent. Dated 23/10/1913.

Citron Fleuriscent, flint preserve dishes. From top- Flint; Ribbon; 3×1 line Grotesque mould; 6 line & hammered; as above 6 line moulded only; Festoon moulded. Dated 27/09/1913.

Ruby shaded salt with frill. Fleuriscent. 6 line mould twisted peaked 3 times & turned over at back. 45319. Nasturtium. Fleuriscent slat with frill. 6 line, peaked 3 times & 3 lipped. 45320 Flint fleuriscent salt. Dated 28/05/1913.