Biscuit barrel for mounting. Cased pink inside & cupped white outside. Clematis decoration. Pattern 12461. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

Biscuit barrel for mounting. Cased peacock blue & cupped outside with thin white. Barberry decoration. Pattern 12460. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

Biscuit barrel for mounting. Cased citron inside & cupped outside with thin white & engraved cameo. Floral vine decoration. Pattern 12452. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

Honey, cut for mounting. Cased cytron inside & cupped thin white outside. Ivy decoration. Pattern 12449. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

Honey, cut for mounting. Cased cytron inside & cupped thin white outside. Flowering current decoration. Pattern 12446. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

Biscuit barrel for mounting. Cased peacock blue inside & cupped outside with thin white & engraved cameo. Floral decoration. Pattern 12408. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

Biscuit barrel for mounting. Cased pink inside & cupped outside with thin white & engraved cameo. Acorn decoration. Pattern 12407. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated February 1888.

7 crimped rose bowls. Cupped white outside & pink underneath back to white & engraved cameo. Pattern 12405 blossom decoration. Pattern 12406 Fuchia decoration. Executed by Collins and Smith. Dated January 1888.

Round scent. Flint. Medalion cameo. Cased outside white & pink underneath back to white & engraved cameo. Various sizes: 2½” to 5″ in ½” increments. Floral decoration. Pattern 12404. Executed by Collins and Smith with cutting by Adey. Dated January 1888.