Combined flower and candle holder. Boulton & Mills, registered design 16475, dated November 7th, 1884.
Ruby bowl with flint frill and rustic feet and applied strawberry decoration. Probably Boulton & Mills. Dated circa 1885.
Ruby shaded epergne with applied realistic fruit. Probably by Boulton & Mills. Dated circa 1885.
Table center piece with applied Maidenhead fern, registered decoration. Boulton & Mills. Dated 1885
Detail of table center piece with applied Maidenhead fern, registered decoration. Boulton & Mills. Dated 1885
Table center piece with applied Maidenhead fern, registered decoration. Boulton & Mills. Dated 1885
Flint bowl thinly cased in white. Acid cut cameo fruit decoration with enamel detail. Acid etched ground. Dated circa 1887. Image courtesy of Dudley Museum Services.