Thomas Webb & Sons Registered designs.

Three main mould designs were used and registered by Thomas Webb & Sons these are described and reproduced as follows:

51047  15th June 1886; “Pattern – hexagonal configuration with raised and sunk surfaces”.  This is recorded in the Pattern book and Price book as Honeycomb.

58374  8th October 1886   “Diaper of semi-circular lines forming a decorative pattern”. This is recorded in the Pattern book as Arabesque or Ondé and in the Price book also as arch lines and scaled path.

58375  8th October 1886  “Diaper of irregular lines forming a watery or wavy pattern on the surface of the glass”. This is recorded in the Pattern book and Price book  as Water wave.

Three registered mould designs used for surface decoration or cased to create air trap designs.

Three registered mould designs used for surface decoration or cased to create air trap designs.

Alexandrite, honeycomb moulded posy bowl. Registered mould design 51047. Dated c. 1886.

Alexandrite, honeycomb moulded posy bowl. Registered mould design 51047. Dated c. 1886.

Diaper of semi-circular lines forming a decorative pattern. Recorded as Arabesque or Ondé.

Diaper of semi-circular lines forming a decorative pattern. Recorded as Arabesque or Ondé.

Alexandrite finger cup & plate. Registered mould design 58375. Dated 1886.

Alexandrite finger cup & plate. Registered mould design 58375. Dated 1886.

A very similar moulded design to 58375 was used by Stevens & Williams in association with threaded air trap decoration. It was referred to as Moresque and had a more regular pattern.


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