Ivory molded smelling bottle cased in Rose de Barrie, decorated in Dolce Relievo style. Pattern 9842, book 09, dated 15/05/1885.

Cinnamon over ivory Dolce Relievo rustic vase, decorated with newt, ivy, spiders and webs. Pattern 9789, book 8, dated 17/4/1885.

Cameo vases labelled as Dolce Relievo. The outer casing is acid etched giving a low relief design. Pattern 9788, book 09, Northwood, dated 17/4/1885.

Lilac over ivory with 2 ivory claws, decorated with floral Dolce Relievo design. Dated 24/5/1884. Image courtesy of Dudley Museum Services.

No. 1 size puce over ivory Dolce Relievo Fig smell & stopper decorated as sketch. 10380 as above brown over ivory decorated as sketch. Dated 29/8/1885.

Rose over Ivory with green inside cabinet flower vase with 3 ivory claws as sketch. Others brown over ivory with either blue or green inside. Dated 5/4/1884. No indication of Dolce Relievo other than shape and colours.

Rose over ivory cabinet vase with 2 ivory claws. 8914 Ruby over ivory Cabinet vase. Dated 5/4/1884. No indication of Dolce Relievo other than shape and colours.

Rose over Ivory cabinet vase with 3 ivory claws. 8898 Rose over ivory fancy cabinet vase on rose foot with 3 ivory claws. Dated 5/4/1884. No indication of Dolce Relievo and colours.

Ruby over Ivory Cabinet flower bowl with 3 ivory claws on flatted bottom. Dated 5/4/1884 Other cased amber, rose or green over ivory. No indication of Dolce Relievo other than shape and colours.